Financial Assistance
Most graduate students in the Department of Hispanic Studies finance their study by working as Teaching Assistants (at the MA level) or Associate Instructors (at the Ph.D. level). With their teaching duties and academic study, this is considered a “full-time” position i.e. half-time teaching and half-time studying. The general duties and qualifications of Academic Student Employees (ASEs) can be found on the Graduate Division’s website. Other pertinent information regarding graduate students can be found on the Graduate Divisions general website.
The number of Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Associates Instructors within the department, and the length of appointments, varies from year to year. Positions range from one quarter to one-half time depending on how many positions are allotted to the department by the College Dean, the number of introductory courses offered in a given year, and the enrollment of courses.
The departmental criteria for the employment of teaching assistants involve evaluation of overall GPA, assessment of the faculty of the accomplishment and promise of the student as a teacher and scholar, letters of recommendation, and command of the Spanish language. For continuing students, acceptable progress in the academic program is essential. The Coordinator of the Spanish Language Program and the faculty evaluate teaching assistants on a regular basis. Graduate students making normal progress can usually expect to hold a Teaching Assistantship for five years during their MA and Ph.D. Note that students who apply to the M.A. program, rather than directly to the Ph.D. program, will receive the lowest priority for Teaching Assistantships and other financial assistance.
All holders of the title Graduate Student Researcher Teaching Assistant (TA), and Associate Instructors must meet the following requirements established by the graduate division:
- TAs, Teaching Fellows, and Associate Ins must maintain a 3.25 GPA
- Must enroll in and complete a full course load (12 graduate units or the equivalent)
- Must have no more than 7 units of Incomplete grades
- Must be advanced to candidacy within 12 quarters after entry if in the Ph.D. program
- Any student whose native language is not English must pass a test of spoken English (SPEAK Test) before performing duties as a TA
- Must be making acceptable progress toward the degree
- For these purposes, acceptable progress for a Ph.D. student is represented by the normative time to degree for the particular program plus one year
- For most Master’s students, acceptable progress is represented by enrollment for not more than two years
- Anyone in a teaching title must attend the TADP’s Fall Quarter Orientation program.
- Graduate students may not be employed more than 50 percent time or 20 hours per week during the academic year in any combination of appointments. During quarter breaks and in the summer they may be employed full-time.
- No one may serve in a teaching title for more than 18 quarters of service. No exceptions are made.
Current stipend amounts are available at https://graduate.ucr.edu/funding.